Easy to care for:

    Alpaca Attributes:
    Safe, Easy Handling
    Earth-Friendly & Practical
    Requires Minimal Feed, Shelter, Fencing and Vet Costs
    Fully Insurable

    Physical Facts and Care:
    Average life span is 20 years
    Average height is 36" at the withers (where the shoulder and neck meet)
    Affectionate, easily transported, great for children
    Average weight is 100 to 200 lbs.
    Average gestation is between 335 and 355 days.

Tax advantages:

    Alpacas are depreciable over a five year period, giving you the investor an immediate return on
    your investment in tax savings. Alpacas qualify under IRS code, Section 179. We suggest that
    you consult your tax advisor on how the specific structure of this type of business/investment can
    be of a benefit to you..

    All expenses incurred with raising alpacas are deductible. Such as food, supplies, travel
    expenses, association fees, show fees, tractors, wells, fencing, barns, advertising etc. Unlike your
    stock investments, alpacas are 100% insurable.

    IRS publication 225 gives some very important information for farmers.
Alpacas for Sale        Herdsire Services       All About Alpacas        Why Invest In Alpacas?        Resources

Hope of Glory Farm       For more information, contact us at judi@hopeofgloryfarm.com